Find a permaculture project at permaculture global

Permaculture Global is an interactive database showcasing permaculture projects and practitioners around the world.
If you want to find out who is doing what, and where, in the permaculture world or if you have a project you would like to add to the database visit the website to.. network… share… learn… grow!
[button_link url=” ” target=”blank” style=”blue” title=”” class=”” id=”” onclick=””]Visit Permaculture Global to find a project near you[/button_link]

Find a project

You can search for projects by keyword, and/or filter to specific project types.
You can even constrain your search by climate zone, so you can find others working in similar conditions as yourself.

Add your project

If you have a project of your own, be sure to put it on the map! From a mini-garden on a high rise balcony, to a small residential or larger rural broadacre project, all the way through to a full-blown multi-village aid endeavour in sub-Saharan Africa, readers want to know all about it.

Network, share, learn, grow!


Screen shot of the Permaculture Global projects page, to see the website in action, go to (Map courtesy of Permaculture Research Institute)


Expose your Permaculture project in 2014

Getting ready for the Permaculture Calendar 2014

Would you like the opportunity to feature as an example of one of the 12 design principles on the Permaculture Principles website and in the Permaculture Calendar?
Richard Telford is again coordinating the Permaculture Calendar this year after a sell out last year.
Got anything you’d like to submit – or suggestions?
[button_link url=”” target=”blank” style=”blue” title=”Permaculture Calendar 2014″ class=”” id=”” onclick=””]For more info, visit[/button_link]  

Permaculture Pioneers book launch

[styled_image image=”” w=”400″ h=”300″ link=”” lightbox=”yes” alt=”Image Description” rel=”” align=”right”]Join us for the book launch of

Permaculture Pioneers, stories from the new frontier

Permaculture Pioneers brings into a single volume the stories of the people who have been instrumental in creating the permaculture design system we have today.
The book is at the same time an autobiographical collection and an oral history of permaculture. It illustrates how innovative ideas start on society’s fringes and over time spiral into the mainstream.
It is also fascinating reading.


  • 2:00pm Arrive for refreshments and tour our new Permaculture Interpretive Garden and Sustainability Education Hub.
  • 2:30pm Welcome by Randwick’s Mayor Murray MatsonCosta Georgiadis (from SBS Garden Odysey) will facilitate a discussion with:- Kerry Dawborn, editor – David Holmgren, co-founder of permaculture and – pioneers: Fiona Campbell, Russ Grayson, Jill Finnane, Robyn Francis, Alanna Moore and Ro Morrow
  • 3:30pm Launch of Permaculture Pioneers and Permaculture Diary and Calendar and signing
  • Permaculture Pioneers book available from:
  • Permaculture Diary and Calendar 2012 available from :

Location details:

Turn off Bundock Street into Hendy Avenue then right into Marida Street.

Robyn Francis

[styled_image w=”400″ h=”300″ lightbox=”yes” image=”×300.jpg” align=”right”]ROBYN FRANCIS works internationally as a permaculture teacher, designer, activist, writer and presenter since doing her PDC in 1983.
One of the founding directors of Permaculture International Ltd and of Permaculture College Australia she lives at Djanbung Gardens permaculture education and demonstration centre in Nimbin Ntn NSW.  Key achievements include designing Jarlanbah permaculture hamlet, NSW’s first community title and ecovillage development and her involvement establishing the Accredited Permaculture Training™.
She has taught well over 100 PDC’s including co-teaching the first permaculture course in India with Bill Mollison in 1987. Robyn has developed and delivers a range of advanced courses for permaculture practitioners and those involved with community development, sustainable aid and professional design. She is currently one of the APT administrators and on the PIL board.
Passions include bamboo building, gourd crafting, gardening, cooking and generally ‘walking the talk’.
[button_link url=””%5DGo to Robyn’s website to learn more[/button_link]