Learn more about Permaculture

“Permaculture is a design system for the creation of socially, economically and ecologically sustainable settlements, whether in rural areas or metropolitan cities.” – Bill Mollison

Bill Mollison and David Holmgren created the Permaculture design system in the late 1970s while living in Hobart, Tasmania. Permaculture is centred around 3 ethics; care of the earth, care of people and fair share, and 12 Principles. 

Learn more about the founding of permaculture

Learn more about permaculture principles and ethics

Permaculture Education

In Australia, Permaculture education is being offered in many different formats. There are both formal and informal courses students of permaculture can undertake, from a short workshop to a nationally recognised formal qualification. The range of offerings present opportunities for students being introduced to permaculture through to those who are seeking accredited training, professional development or recognition of prior learning

Find out more about Permaculture Education

Permaculture News and Stories

Stay up-to-date with all of the latest news from Permaculture Australia, and find out what is happening around the country with regular articles and stories from our members.

Find out more about permaculture news and stories