PA’s Permafund is thrilled to announce funding for another two grant projects thanks to funding from the Quaker Service Australia (QSA)

Firstly, introducing the Organic Food Kenya Project (OFK). The OFK believe in sustainable permaculture models that are integrated into a community’s culture and traditional methods of agriculture. Their motto “give people a fish, they eat for a day, but teach people to fish, and they eat forever”, aligns with their focus on providing education and support to reduce poverty and food insecurity.

“These are long term investments in the skills and assets of community members to be able to successfully participate in the course and gain lifelong knowledge. It is OFK’s firm belief that the best investments are in people and their success.”

The funding provided via PA’s Permafund will support community training in permaculture, positively impacting on 3000 community members, including women and children.

Our second new project will be implemented by the Rwanwanja Youth Innovation Group (RIYG) in Uganda.

Since permaculture came to the Rwanwanja refugee settlement, many people are impressed with it, especially youth because they are able to capture and adapt it. Parents are learning from their children and many backyard gardens have been created, though COVID-19 has had some impact

The funding provided via PA’s Permafund will assist RIYG to expand the permaculture activities already happening. This will include planting trees to protect the soil and provide food, composting, permaculture training, rain water collection &, establishing backyard gardens to support the monthly food ration.

More information:

PA’s Permafund provides small grants of less than $2000 AUD to community permaculture projects across the globe. Since 2012, we have funded 54 projects in 16 countries that support food security, seed sovereignty, regenerative farming practices and water harvesting thanks to your generous donations.

Donations over $2 in Australia are tax deductible and are a great way to enact the third permaculture ethic ‘fair share’. We have a further six projects on our waitlist we’d like to fund at the start of 2021, for more information including to donate click here.

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